9499www威尼斯(认证平台)-App Platform

Connection Service

SZSE provides direct connection service of Shenzhen real-time data in both mainland and HK China.

Mainland Hong Kong
Level 1 6M Leased line connection
to Futian/Nanfang Center
6M Leased line/cross connection to Hong Kong Node @Chaiwan/Tseung Kwan O

Please Contact SSCC (niemz@sscc.com; wangrui@sscc.com) for application.

Level 2 Not available 50M leased line/cross connection to Hong Kong Node @Tseung Kwan O

Please Contact SSIC (chenxi@cninfo.com.cn) for application.

Nanfang Center ADD: No.2 Fengdeling Section, Dongshen 2 road, Fenggang, Dongguan, China.

Chaiwan Node ADD: 27/F, Sino Favour Centre, 1 On Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.

Tseung Kwan O ADD: 2/F, Internet Applications Centre, 22 Chun Cheong Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong.

For enquiry of direct connection of Level 2 data through SZSE HK data center, please refer to:

Guidelines on direct connection of SZSE Level 2 Market Data via HKPOP

Application documents of direct connection to SZSE Level 2 Market Data via HKPOP

For enquiry of direct connection of Level 1 data in Mainland or HK, please contact SSCC (Shenzhen Securities Communication Co., Ltd) for more details.

Tel: +86-755-88666525/88665630

E-mail: niemz@sscc.com; wangrui@sscc.com

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