9499www威尼斯(认证平台)-App Platform

Applicants Publicity

Last updated : 2024-07-25

Serial NO. Company Name Application date License Type Appliced Period of Publicity
1 Waton Corporation Limited 25 July 2024 L2 Real-time Market Data 25/7/2024-31/7/2024
1 Haitong International Information Systems Limited 24 June 2024 L1 Real-time Market Data 24/6/2024-30/6/2024
1 ICE Data Services, Inc. 11 June 2024 L2 Real-time Market Data 11/6/2024-17/6/2024
1 Colt Technology Services Co., Ltd 6 Feb 2024 Options Real-time Market Data 6/2/2024-21/2/2024
1 The Bank of East Asia Limited 13 Oct 2023 L1 Real-time Market Data 13/10/2023-19/10/2023
1 China International Capital Corporation Hong Kong Securities Limited 5th Sep 2023 L1 Real-time Market Data 5/9/2023-11/9/2023
1 DBS Bank Ltd 13th June, 2023 L1 Real-time Market Data 13/6/2023-19/6/2023
1 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 13rd March 2023 L1 Real-time Market Data 13/3/2023-19/3/2023
1 East Money Information Co., Ltd 10th March 2023 L2 Real-time Market Data & Basic Market Price Service 10/3/2023-16/3/2023
1 Qubos Systematic Ltd 23rd Feb 2023 Delayed market data 23/2/2023 - 2/3/2022
1 MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad 18th January 2023 Delayed market data 18/1/2023 - 24/1/2022
1 InnovestX Securities Co., Ltd. 5th September 2022 Delayed market data 5/9/2022 - 11/9/2022
1 Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. 16th August 2022 Delayed market data 16/8/2022 - 22/8/2022
1 Reuters News & Media Limited 21st July 2022 Delayed market data 21/7/2022 - 27/7/2022
1 LGT Financial Services AG 21st July 2022 Delayed market data 21/7/2022 - 27/7/2022
1 Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited 6th June 2022 Real time market data 6/6/2022 - 12/6/2022
1 Winbull Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited 1st June 2022 Real time market data 1/6/2022 - 7/6/2022
1 Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Limited 8th March 2022 Real time market data 8/3/2022 - 14/3/2022
1 Asia Plus Securities Company Limited 4th March 2022 Delayed market data 4/3/2022 - 10/3/2022
1 Fast Forward Inc., 22th Dec 2021 Delayed market data 22/12/2021 - 29/12/2021
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